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Flash Facts lets you monitor your progress and focus on your weak areas with Study Stream and its advanced spaced repetition capabilities.
Study Stream helps you focus on studying rather than figuring out what to study. Once you've mastered a card, simply move it into the "Nailed It" category and you'll see it less often. We all know most students get through college by cramming. Learn the test material, retain it just long enough to get through test day, then promptly forget it. Preparing for the USMLE means you have to remember a seemingly endless amount of information, and you have to retain it over a long period of time.
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If you have only spoken with this person online, it is likely they are not a U. Soldier at all. If this is a suspected imposter social media profile, we urge you to report it to that platform as soon as possible.
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If you're involved in a Facebook or dating site scam, you are free to contact us direct; While this is a free search, it does not help you locate a retiree, but it can tell you if the Soldier is active duty or not. If more information is needed such as current duty station or location, you can contact the Commander Soldier's Records Data Center SRDC by phone or mail and they will help you locate individuals on active duty only, not retirees.
The check or money order must be made out to the U. It is not refundable. If you suspect fraud on this site, take a screenshot of any advances for money or impersonations and report the account on the social networking platform immediately. Please submit all information you have on this incident to Caution-www.
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Antipsychotics Thioridazine, Haloperidol, Chlorpromazine. Blood in sputum. Source: B cells, macrophages Function: Antiviral activity. Fatal Hepatotoxicity necrosis. Valproic Acid Halothane Acetaminophen. Source: Fibroblasts Function: Antiviral activity. Pulmonary embolism. Most commonly thrombus from lower extremity vein. IFN gamma. Gingival Hyperplasia. Gray Baby Syndrome. Tumor suppressor gene Chrom. Cimetidine Azoles Spironolactone Digitalis.
Hemolytic Anemia in G6PD-deficiency. Sulfonamides Isoniazid Aspirin Ibuprofen Primaquine. Saddle embolus. Tacrine Drug type, therapeutic use. Hot Flashes, Flushing. Paradoxical embolism. Right to Left shunt allows a venous embolism to enter arterial circulation Patent ovale foramen or Atrial septal defect. Induce CP Barbiturates — Phenobarbital Phenytoin Carbamazepine Rifampin. Small noncleaved cell lymphoma EBV translocation Seen commonly in jaws, abdomen, retroperitoneal soft tissues Starry sky appearance.
Resistance in series. Add all. Inhibit CP Cimetidine Ketoconazole. Resistance in Parallel. Invert the answer. Tuberculoid granuloma. Interstitial Nephritis. Atropine Drug of choice for what?
Monday Disease. Spreading infection due to streptococcus Can also be a cause of post-strep GN dont always just think of strep throat. Eff renal plasma flow. Orange Body Fluids. Caisson Disease. Nitric gas emboli. HR x SV. Pulmonary Fibrosis. Bleomycin Amiodarone. Systolic — Diastolic. Glycoperrolate Drug type, effect, therapeutic use. M-r inhibitor Antispasmodic Txt peptic ulcers. Red Man Syndrome. Elevated 5-HT seen with TPR x CO. Severe HTN with Tyramine. SLE-like Syndrome. Procainamide Hydralazine INH.
Hepatocarcinoma Neural tube defects. Vel gas diffusion:. Tardive Dyskinesia. Antipsychotics Thioridazine, Haloperidol, Chlorpromazine Clozapine: only antipsychotic to not give you tardive dyskinesia. Vent Tidal x of respirations. Pirenzepine Drug type, effect, therapeutic use. M-r - Antispasmodic Txt peptic ulcers. Vent Tidal - Vent Dead x of respirations.
Aspirin Quinidine. Lactose formers. Coli K1 capsule most important Klebsiella. Chediak-Higashi Disease. Diffusing capacity. Non lactose formers. Resp Doubles:. Chromosome May lack color. Chromosome 11p. Wilms tumor of the kidney. Doxacurium Drug type? Dimorphic Fungi. Vinyl Chloride. Have Beta Prophage.
Spore Forming Bacteria. Agent Orange. IgA Proteases. Neisseria, Haemophilus, S. Beta bungarotoxin Effect, site of action. Prevent the release of Ach from vesicles the pre synaptic nerve ending. Widal Test. Pneumonic Plaque Transmission. Predisposes to septicemia. Yersinia pseudotuberculosis. Lead poisoning. Dextran mediated adherence. Heroin OD, clinically. Obligate Anaerobes. Clostridium, Actinomyces, Bacteroides. Crigler-Najjar Syndrome. Congenital hyperbilirubinemia unconjugated Glucuronyl transferase deficiency.
Can progress to Kernicterus Less severe form will respond to Phenobarbital therapy. Obligate Aerobes. Fetal alcohol syndrome. Small head, small eyes, funnel chest, ASD, mental deficiency, and hirsutism. Staph aureus. Treponema, Borrelia, Leptospira. Atypical mycobacterium.
Acid Fast Organisms. Mycobacterium; Cryptosporidium; Nocardia partially ; Legionella micdadei; Isospora. Cold abscesses. Liquefied TB lesions similar to pyogenic abscesses but lacking acute inflammation. Pigment Producing Bacteria. Bacterial Morphology. Actinomyces isrealli. Inclusion Bodies. Schistosoma Japonicum Monsoni. Congenital Syphilis. Schistosoma Haematolium. Acute gastric ulcer associated with CNS trauma.
Non Human Schistosom. Warthin-Finkeledy cells. Reticuloendothelial giant cells on tonsils, lymph nodes, spleen Seen with Rubeola measles due to paramyxovirus. Chinese liver fluke — eating raw fish. Txt: Praziquantel. Fasciola Hepatica. Sheep — eating raw fish. Diphyllobothrium latum. Tapeworm infection causing megaloblastic anemia by consuming large amount of vit B12 in the host. Fasciola Biski. Giant intestinal flukes — eating raw fish.
Self-limiting focal destruction subacute thyroiditis. Paragonimus Westermani. Lung fluke — eating raw fish. Subacute Bacterial Endocarditis. Neiserria and most Gram - s. Increase Diastolic Incr what autonomic receptor to inc diastolic? Micro Aerophilic. Acute Bacterial Endocarditis.
Mitral Insufficiency. Ruptured papillary muscle. Obligate Intracellular Bacteria. Decrease Diastolic Incr what autonomic receptor? Name drug types that can achieve dec diastolic. Haemophilus Factors. Left Anterior Descending branch. All cocci are. Trisomy 21 or translocation — Simian Crease. Mycoplasma pneumoniae has fried egg colonies on Eaton agar needs cholesterol. Left Circumflex branch. No cell wall. Membrane has cholesterol. Smallest living bacteria. P1 protein inhs ciliary action Fried egg colonies Atypical pneumonia — young adults.
Incr conduction velocity. Fungal media. Dissecting Aneurysm. Malassazia furfur. Post-MI Fibrinous Pericarditis autoimmune. Cough — Coryza — Conjunctivitis.
Can also have photophobia May lead to subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis. Cor Pulmonale. Phenylephrine Drug type, therapeutic use. Bloody diarrhea agents. Acute Cor Pulmonale. Sudden right ventricular strain due to a massive pulmonary embolism.
Dubin-Johnson Syndrome. Indian Ink. Naegleria causes. Colonization in the nasal passages after swimming. Metaproterenol; Albuterol; Terbutaline; Ritodrine; Salmeterol. Need Cysyeine for growth. Lobar pneumonia. Due to Strep. Infantile Poly Cystic Kidney Disease 2. Familial Hypercholestrolemia Disease 3. Hereditary Spherocytosis 5. Tuberous Sclerosis 9. Von Hippel Lindau Disease. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.
Heparin Relaxes myometrium used in pre-mature labor pains. Obligate Non Intracellular Parasites. Panlobular Emphysema. Trisomy 18 Rocker-bottom feet, low ears, small lower jaw, heart disease. Phentolamine Effects, therapeutic use. Epi reversal. Due to Micropolyspora faeni thermophilic actinomycetes. Defective collagen. Due to M. Terazosin Therapeutic use? Txt BPH. Due to Nitrogen dioxide from nitrates in corn.
G6PDH Deficiency. Yohimbine Drug type, effect, therapeutic use. Txt impotence. Sickle Cell Anemia. Erb-Duchenne Palsy. Multiple Myeloma. Cardioselective NMJ Name a drug, effect, mech of action. Ewing Sarcoma. Polyarteritis Nodosa. Learn the foundations of medicine—faster and easier than ever! Get Free Access Now. Reinforce your learning with flashcards and mnemonics that help you retain more information.
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