Download ei.cfg file for windows 8.1
Read the full changelog. Load comments. All rights reserved. Could the EI. You can easily force the setup to skip the Product Key check and proceed with the installation. As a measure to deter piracy, Microsoft doesn't allow to install Windows 8. With the Windows 7 day trial, one could install Windows and have them for free.
Then, once every new moon, they could format and reinstall Windows, and no one would be the wiser. Also, one would need to have Windows installed if they wanted to run an activator, should they swing that way. So, Microsoft decided to cut the problem off at the root.
Mandatory product key equals no trial, equals no activator. Makes sense, doesn't it? And then, they made it easy to bypass this system. And, when we say 'easy,' we mean 'child's play' easy. That's Microsoft for you. The only 'hard' part is that when we save the file, we don't leave the default 'Text documents' on 'Save as type.
That ei. Unfortunately, it still didn't give me the ability to choose an edition when I tried setting up a new machine in VirtualBox. I see only one small detail. Are there intentionally two free lines after the [EditonID]-tag? That could be the difference. EDIT: Tried it out with 2 free lines, didn't make any difference. EDIT 2: As it seems, you used some kind of multiple editons already. I used my Pro ISO and adding a ei.
Myrrh MDL Expert. Nov 26, 1, Stop hovering to collapse Click to collapse Hover to expand Click to expand Yeah, that's exactly what i tried to do. How would you do it in that case in order to get the all the editons on one ISO then?