ER Diagram of an University scribd pdf free download

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Symbols at the ends of the relationship lines indicate the optionality and the cardinality of each relationship. These are depicted in the ERD with multiple relationship lines connecting the two entities salesperson EMPLOYEE CLIENT customer service rep The diagram above indicates that an employee may be the salesperson assigned to zero or many clients, and an employee may be the customer service representative for zero or many clients.

For example, employees can supervise other employees. There are times when it is convenient to depict relationships that apply to an entire class of things, as well as depict relationships that apply only to certain types of the larger class.

If an entity instance may have either one relationship or another, but not both, the constraint may be modeled with an exclusive-or relationship, represented as a tree with a solid dot where the tree branches.

Derived attribute A derived attribute is based on another attribute. Single-valued attributes are attributes that only have a single value for a particular entity. More Examples flow chart is a graphical or symbolic representation of a process.

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Rupesh Shrestha. Syafiq Ahmad. Simran Chauhan. Adid Rachmadiansyah. More From LaxmiPant. Architectural Design in Software Engineering Se10 Atinek Dubey. Popular in Technology General. Kasi Xswl. Bobby Chipping. Diego Franco. Shamsulamri Samsir. Ankita Sharma. Waqas Mahmood. Perry Solano. Cliff Evans. Md Saidur Rahman Kohinoor. Rishabh Mehta. AImhee Martinez. Popular in Areas Of Computer Science.

Hemant Bang. Akshay Madan. Pham Long. Otto Federico Wald. Moises Gil Solorio. Jump to Page. Search inside document. Creating ER Diagram A university registrar office maintains data about the following entities: 1.

Each car has associated with it zero to any number of recorded accidents. Sanjeev Sharma. Pilar R. Ravi Ranjan. Yamunaji Josip Karuza.


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