Oralvore free download

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With Family Sharing set up, up to six family members can use this app. App Store Preview. Screenshots iPad iPhone iMessage. Sharunegan Goon link parent. Spiky head, blue eyes, fights a bunch of monsters Same thing, right? Enme Writer link. Unfortunately I can't encounter enemies in it. I think I'm doing something wrong. Click the new enemy button in the top right.

Enme Writer link parent. Fatalyti 2D Animator link. You say in your description want to play it offlie But we are already against maybe this is gonna be another patch? Cause we can't pla it online i guess. Calix-Lettore Writer link.

Love all the creatures you've been adding in here, the current newest one Zibo is so sweet and cute; I don't think your health bar even goes down when you're inside him, so you can basically do infinite internal cuddles! Calix-Lettore Writer link parent. Gosh, forgot to mention a thing, like, when you try to come out of Zibo you can get trapped in the maw, that was cute and unexpected.

Endo is kinda the theme of this game. ReptileMK9 Prey link parent. True, but most of the enemies can digest, notable with the decline of the player's health.

Luxario Blueberry 'Sune link parent. That health bar is more of a "How long til you submit to the pred" bar than anything else. ReindeerTrex Kinky Boy link. Wow, this is fantastic! I love how every time I replay it I encounter something new.

Favorite pred is the Tough Lizard. I love the newest addition zibo especially when you allow him to fall on you. As in, could you please write a list? And secondly, on the two who currently have achievements, how do I get each? And, assuming you answer this, thanks in advance for your time, or at least, I'm really hoping you reply, I'm a big fan Cyborgianoid link parent. I think for the first time ever, I like this little flash game.

Finally something that has no digestion involved. Just a playful and silly vore game with some lovable characters. By the way, my absolute favourite monster is Zibo. So cuddly and lovable. Overall, like this.

My three favourites have to be Zibo, Amethyst and the Tough Lizard. DigiWolfKuro Watcher link. Okay- this is amazing. You have earned a fave! Tigrara link. ShinySpiritSeer link. I'm just kinda questioning why Zibo does NO damage at all. Zibo is purely cuddly. ShinySpiritSeer link parent.

That explains that. I absolutely love him then! Zap-zapper link parent. What a cruelty! I think he needs some shrinking moves, like Ametyst. Just my opinion, through, he is still pretty good now. Fixed, hopefully! Might have to refresh. Your last update still says its Love the noodle, you can actually become friends i love it! Zap-zapper link. Bronzewing Traditional Artist link. The download link seems to be an older version, Zibo, the tough lizard and the noodle aren't spawning in the download version, only online.

The download version isn't hosted by me. That being said, I really should update the panftr maker thing ImaginaryZ 3D Modeller link parent. Hey Alsnapz! Are you and the others planning on making some other vores as well, like my favorite, Unbirth? Dreekkdous Media Hobbyest link. Okay what the fuck, If i attack the gorgi in the middle of him, he glitches and switches to Theizosaurus.

Dreekkdous Media Hobbyest link parent. That's what I thought. I'm not sure what could possibly be causing that glitch. Godran should be immune to being killed, and that should be the only thing that causes him to switch to Theri unless you're somehow hitting the New Enemy button. Dunno if it's just me, but the arrow keys don't seem to register anything at all in the game.

Actually seems to be a problem with the browser player or something. Had a similar issue with another flash thing and had the same issue. Opened it with Chrome, worked like a charm. Disregard the above post. AlbinoFurry Watcher link. Dunno if it's just me, but if I hit the download button next to the Favorites button, then hit Play after it finishes loading I get like a variety of different backgrounds flashing by, the icons at the top of the screen keep changing to question marks, exclamation points and back to their default icons and a whole bunch of other icons I haven't seen in the game before.

Because playing the flash file comes from the url domain www. But if they allowed that, every individual file would need one Zoiexx kill god. Dirakia link.

Is this some kind of Easteregg? TavenAzgiar Art Whore link. Maybe it is just me or something wrong with my game, but every time I loaded this up, the other enemies were constantly in attacking animations and not moving, even if i was not near them, as well as a few less enemies than what i remember from a few weeks ago. Dinopotimus and raptor doesnt even move for me. Its probably just something on my end causing a bug, just weird though.

Maybe it is the FA server problems, as this game is loading the monsters' SWF files where it has been uploaded on the other places DimensionJumper Photographer link. I get the feeling the noodle dragon isn't quite All of the enemies are kinda wonky right now. DimensionJumper Photographer link parent. If it's an issue on FA's side, all we can do is wait. Does the downloaded version stiil work? How do I get out of the Tough Lizard's sitting attack? Brony4Life19 link. Any idea when snek will be finished?

MidnightDragon01 Digital Artist link. Make more with more options on what to do i think it would make it more interesting and have him get vored in many different ways like tail and vag and stuff if u want otherwise great and wounderful game.

How do u get passed zibo im stuck on her. I kind'a want to see a trex in this. Torrle Digital Artist link. Suggestion:Make a button to make the player character tiny and vise-versa That gives the enemies all new moves and animations Not something to spend all your time on but something to work on when you have some extra time.

GingaMad Watcher link. Who wants Zibo as a friend? GingaMad2 Watcher link parent. Godran is amazing and cute! And he has such amesome sounds! I really like him! Zibo and Godran are my favourite creatures in Panftr! Anyway to import these animations into Barbftr? Literally never, panftr is nonfatal only. Ah okay, are other kinds of vore planned?

I'm already very very happy on the amount of anal vore, honestly didn't expect almost all chars to have the ability to do so I noticed the one Dino that munched on grass tried to anal vore me but it didn't seem to work. Not sure if that's a noticed glitch or not. And I was wondering if you plan on adding in some other forms of vore into the game too. Also sorry if this has been asked before, but what do the 5 icons mean when that one Raptor is spawned?

The one that can anal vore and oral vore you I mean. The icons are basically achievements you get, indicating that you've done certain things in the monster. If you haven't seen them all light up, there's still more stuff to find!

It's kind of a prototype idea that Z implemented that I haven't really tried yet. Also, AV is probably the farthest I'll go with panftr. Ahhh right, I wondered what they meant. And for the longest time I thought when it said [Z] it was telling me to hit that key.

IMCspectre link. The enemies got updated, not the central player. Reikasuya Writer link. I've played. I like snek's the third belly. His first belly animation is more than before.

I love it. And illumi's new swallow animation is pretty nice. Lead Pan into his belly. But where's the new belly stage of Zibo? Wiggle around in his belly and he'll sit.

Also, cuddles were added to his tripping grab. That's the new belly stage? But I remember that Zibo has it at first released or I will try it. Keep doing! MidnightDragon01 Digital Artist link parent. How do u get him to lead pan into illumi's belly? You have to have a copy of flash that can run in Actionscript 2. Could you rephrase the question so I can understand what problem you're having?

The new Zibo's trip cuddles are amazing and lovely! The movement transitions are so smooth! Pootdispenserhere link. Digging the new things. I love it when you double back on older critters!

They're all so bloody adorable. Suteivun Writer link. I've really been enjoying the progress you've made so far. I'm not sure, but I might be having an issue regarding the most recent update. I've tried to search for the new animations that were said to be added, but I don't think I've been able to trigger any of them.

I just figured the date wasn't changed because the only thing that was added were new animations. I'm still very much enjoying your work so far, and I look forward to seeing how things progress in the future.

Jeraxan VRC Junkie link. I think I'm having the same problem as some of the other people, I checked the characters and couldn't get any of the new stuff, like Snek's 3rd belly. It's just my habit these days when I get comments that just say 'make this' or 'should be this'. Fireballi Digital Artist link. I absolutely adore this game, whenever I have the chance I play it X3 is it playable on mobile to? Yes download puffin browser.

A-Are you a puffin user t-too!? Chara link parent. Hey I'm one too but for me it's slow is that normal or just my phone. Chances are he has plans for Red. Be patient. TripleAAA link. LOVE the new monster! Al I really like this game but I have a question. In the top part of the screen during the vore scenes. There are two groups of arrows, a W, and a skull. Can you explain what they mean, I mean I think I kinda know but I'm not exactly sure. Plus I don't even know what the colors mean since you did not mention what they mean.

The colors indicate different routes the colors change every time so they don't specifically mean anything. The arrows indicate directions you can struggle that have exits. The arrows on the left are struggles, the arrows on the right are rubs.

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